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Who is 1stDibs?
1stDibs is a leading online marketplace for extraordinary design. Since 2000, we have captured the magic of the Paris flea market, connecting those seeking the most beautiful things on earth with highly coveted sellers and makers in vintage, antique and contemporary furniture, home décor, art, fine jewelry, watches and fashion.
Where is 1stDibs' corporate headquarters?
1stDibs corporate headquarters is at 51 Astor Place, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10003.
Where is 1stDibs incoporated?
1stDibs is incorporated in Delaware, USA.
On what stock exchange is 1stDibs traded and under what symbol?
1stDibs is traded on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol DIBS.
Does 1stDibs have a direct stock purchase plan?
No, 1stDibs does not offer a direct stock purchase plan at this time.
Does 1stDibs pay a dividend?
1stDibs has not declared or paid cash dividends on its common stock to date.
What is 1stDibs' fiscal year?
1stDibs' fiscal year end is on December 31st of each year.
Who are 1stDibs' independent auditors?
Our independent auditors are Ernst & Young LLP.
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
1stDibs' transfer agent, American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST), is available to answer questions about 1stDibs stock. AST’s address is 6201 15th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11219. Its telephone number is (800) 937-5449.
Where can I get the latest 1stDibs corporate news releases, financial reports and SEC Filings?
You can view our financial documents here.
What is 1stDibs' CUSIP number?
320551 104
Who makes up the 1stDibs Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Information on the Executive Management Team is available here, and Board of Directors here. You can find the Board committee charters here.
How do I contact 1stDibs investor relations?
You can reach 1stDibs Investor Relations via e-mail at
How can I get added to 1stDibs' email distribution list?
You can sign up to receive email alerts here.